Life Groups

We believe the church is the family of God called to live on mission to advance His Kingdom. Because we are God's children through Jesus, we are to live as brothers and sisters. The church is not a building, place, or program, but God's people.

Living in community with one another is essential to growing in the Gospel and becoming more like Christ. Showing up to a Sunday gathering is great, but it is our desire to see everyone involved in a Life Group. A Life Group is not a mid-week program, but a family of missionary servants who are making disciples daily. We would love to see all of our Life Groups hanging out throughout the week, eating meals together and serving their neighborhoods. It is not something you check off a list, but a way of doing life.

**Use the form below to sign up for a Life Group**

  • The book of hebrews

    When: Sundays at 8:30am

    Where: Preschool Classroom

    What: Join us as we jump into the book of Colossians.

    Contact: Pam Stemple (805) 471.0507, Tom & Lea Jeffries

  • Band of Brothers - Men's group

    When: Wednesdays at 6:00am

    Where: First Baptist Church

    What: Join Tom & Pastor Guy's table at Band of Brothers for a time of worship, study, & fellowship.

    Contact: Pastor Guy (805) 610.1397

  • thursday night Life Group

    When: Thursdays at 6:00pm

    Where: Janet Bronkey's home, 715 Lenox Ct

    What: Bible study  & dinner together

    Contact: Janet Bronkey (805) 835.8656

  • mens group - living boldly in prayer on our knees by PHil wickham

    When: Fridays at 6:00am

    Where: CLC Basement

    What: Discover the power & reality of authentic Christian forgiveness by Gary Inrig

    Contact: Tim Stewart (805) 391.0221 & Pastor Guy

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